
The Civic Association of Pollard Estates (CAPE) Board of Directors strives to provide our members family-friendly events throughout the year. Please note that these events are funded and managed by CAPE and therefore are only for CAPE members and their guests. Non-members are welcome to pay their dues and attend.

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CANCELED - CAPE Art Walk 2021

Canceled due to lack of interest - We will try again another time.

Last year's Art Walk was such a success that we have decided to bring it back! Please share your creativity with your neighbors. Ideas include:

Sidewalk chalk art
Craft displays
Sewing projects
Puzzles or Lego sets
Woodworking projects
Musical performances

If you created it, we want to see it! If you can play an instrument or sing, we want to hear it!

All displays and performances should be in your driveway from 6pm to 8pm.

Please register your display or performance by emailing Kelley Stein at by June 15. She will create and share a participant map.

Earlier Event: June 12
Summer Picnic
Later Event: July 19
Closed Board Meeting