
March Newsletter

Dear Pollard Neighbors:

Spring is here, and we’re excited about some of the events we’re hosting this season as the weather warms and the flowers bloom. Read on for details!

EASTER EGG HUNT – April 1, 3:00 pm

Our annual CAPE Easter Egg Hunt is planned for Saturday, April 1st at the vacant lot behind 5815 Hibiscus Street just off of South Columbine. We had a great turnout last year on a wonderful sunny afternoon, and we’re looking forward to another day of fun with the whole family this year.

Parents are requested to bring 2 dozen filled plastic Easter eggs for each participating child to 5845 South Pollard Parkway or 5945 Hyacinth Avenue prior to April 1st. A sign-up sheet will be available to register each child for the hunt. Please don’t fill the plastic eggs with treats that can melt in the sun. (Small toys are a popular option, rather than chocolate candies).

We will have snowcones available and the Easter Bunny will be there to greet the kids and pose for pictures. We’re looking for volunteers to help hide eggs and supervise the event. If you’re willing to help, please come about an hour before the hunt.

All are welcome! Come on out, have some fun, and enjoy a snowball. We hope to see you there.

CAPE dues fund our social activities for the entire year and cover the ongoing expenses for our off-duty police patrols, landscape maintenance, insurance, LPR camera support, and more. So far, we have only received payment from 40% of residences. If you have not yet made your contribution, please do so as soon as possible.  Dues can be paid online through our website or with a check mailed to our post office box address at the bottom of this page.

Two new residents have volunteered to join the Board of Directors, replacing members who are stepping down. Daniel Grammer has joined as the Communications Director and Liz Russell has joined as the Beautification Director. We sincerely thank them for agreeing to serve.

Pollard Estates is now officially a No Solicitation neighborhood. If you encounter solicitors working in the neighborhood on behalf of various businesses or causes, you can tell them to leave. (If they don’t, you can ask the police to escort them out of the neighborhood). Political soliciting is exempt from the ordinance, as is soliciting by religious organizations.

In addition to coyotes roaming our neighborhood at night looking for loose cats and dogs, a pair of bobcats has been spotted along the edge of the church property adjacent to South Pollard Parkway.  While coyotes cannot access a fenced and gated backyard, bobcats can easily climb and gain access over most fences. Be aware and use caution when letting your pets out in your backyard at night.

WINE WALK – Saturday, April 22
Looking ahead to the future, we will have a Spring Wine Walk on Saturday, April 22nd.  More details on that event are forthcoming in the April Newsletter.

We hope to see you all at one or more of our social events this year, and wish you the very best as we all go forward to a brighter future.


CAPE Board of Directors

Thomas Tyler